sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

O princípio

"Ten women and eight men, all of whom were acquaintances or friends of at least one of the authors, who were known to visit museums regularly, and who were known to naturally do some level of writing were approached and asked to participate. The approach was quite simple usually an email or telephone call explaining the overall MLC mission and the role of the diary study. (...) Each participant was then asked to write a personal description; to agree to visit five museums in the subsequent four to six months; and to write up a diary account of each visit. Any museum was acceptable and any spacing of the visits was acceptable. (...) Finally, some purposes were what we call ‘challenging’ in the sense that the diarist was pressing herself to be expansive; the diarist seemed to sense that there was more to learn in a general way about her immediate environment."

Imagem: Thomas Struth,“Alte Pinakothek, Self-Portrait. Munich”, 2000

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